Typically, summer months are filled with family fun, and usually, it is the most popular time to go on vacation. Of course, this year is anything but typical. We wanted to look at vacation preferences for a typical year. Where do people go? Are they truly going on vacation, or visiting friends and family?

We looked at a few combinations of MRI variables, and based on Panorama segments, looked at these questions and mapped the answers. For the first map, we looked at vacation preference. Overall, do people prefer urban vacations (shopping and fine dining experiences) or outdoor activities (including national parks, but excluding beach vacations)? As you can see on the map below, those who live in the southeast prefer to head to cities, and for most of the rest of the country, they head to the great outdoors for their vacations.

While we only mapped two variables, we looked at 5 distinct areas: Outdoor activities including national parks, city and urban vacations, sightseeing trips, visiting friends/family, and beach vacations.

Overall, we have in order of popularity –

Outdoor including national parks               21.5%

City vacations                                                  18.7%

Sightseeing                                                       15.5%

Friends / Family                                              11.6%

Beach Vacations                                               9.6%

Our second map looks at those that vacation by visiting family and friends. The largest concentration of those that don’t visit friends and family on vacation are located in the southeast. Those that do visit friends and family for vacation are mainly in large metropolitan areas, and across the northern half of the country.